Total lockdown should be enforced in Siliguri only after the District Task Force issues a directive: Shankar Ghosh

Siliguri, 08th July: During a press conference, Shankar Ghosh, a member of the administrative board at Siliguri Municipal Corporation, stated that a total lockdown should be enforced across the city not at the behest of any individual but only when the District Task Force issues a directive in this regard.

Ghosh stated that the number of positive coronavirus cases is rapidly increasing in the city and the death rate is also on the rise. Meanwhile, allegations of medical negligence are also being reported from the past few days. Although the state health department assured that a team of experienced doctors from Kolkata would reach Siliguri today to take stock of the situation, no doctors have arrived yet.

On the other hand, Ghosh demanded that the reason behind the increasing COVID-19 deaths should be ascertained immediately and treatment should be provided only by experienced doctors.

He further maintained that every private hospital should be allowed to treat COVID-19 patients at the earliest and mobile vans should be arranged to carry out swab tests of the elderly people. Besides, Borough based random tests should also be arranged soon.

1 thoughts on “Total lockdown should be enforced in Siliguri only after the District Task Force issues a directive: Shankar Ghosh

  1. Er. Swapan Kumar Biswas says:

    Me. Ghosh is correct. What is required is plasma donations and introduction of CIVIL only as it will boost immunity, very low in Siliguri, then also the chest is cleared. Let us know that this covid 19 has no answer in vaccines or any chemical medicines worldwide. Let us stay apart and be safe be clean and not roam around unnecessarily. I am seeing this in Shibmandir, Matigara and Darjeeling, Khaprail more. Remember Ayurveda is unbeatable rest all flop.

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