New sarees distributed among 160 needy women in Falakata

Falakata, 15th November: New sarees were distributed among 160 needy women on behalf of North Bengal Hijra Unnayan Organization (Falakata). Meals were also arranged for them.

Falakata No-2 Gram Panchayat Pradhan Aparna Bhattacharya, Falakata Vyavasayee Samiti secretary Nantu Talukder, social activist Abdul Mannan, Nepal Gop, Bhola Dasgupta, Sutapa Bhadra, Sunil Roy, and many others were present during the programme.

The guests present at the event said that transgenders are a part of our society and they, too, play a leading role in various social activities.

Chandni Biswas, on behalf of the organization, said that they worship Kuldevi on Kali Puja in accordance with the customs of the society. They further urged all to accept them as their children.

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