Troubled with waterlogging and no response from administration, residents of Sitaguri village dig road to clear release floodwater

Rajganj, 27th June: Locals of Sitaguri village under Binnaguri Gram Panchayat of Rajganj dug up a portion of the road to drain out water that had inundated after heavy rainfall. Houses of around twenty families have been flooded with rainwater.

Residents of the village stated that they have been facing such an issue for many years. The locals blamed the lack of a proper drainage system in the village for the water logging. The villagers expressed their anguish against the negligence of the panchayat members and accused them of being indifferent towards their difficulties of the villagers. 

Meanwhile, local Panchayat member Sanjit Das stated that steps have been planned in the gram panchayat to build a culvert, and drain flood water in the village as soon as possible.

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