Naxalbari, 25th July: The Pradhan Nagar police took three individuals into custody on suspicion of plotting a murder. The accused include the deceased’s wife, Sumitra Roy Ghosh (26), his sister-in-law, Suchitra Barman (23), and a friend, Nandana Roy (26).
The incident came to light on Monday morning when the police discovered the body of a man identified as Tapan Ghosh hanging in his house in the Jamai Bazar area. The neighbours and family members of the deceased expressed suspicion that his wife might be involved in his death.
In response to these suspicions, the police took the deceased’s wife, sister-in-law, and friend into custody for interrogation. They were subsequently presented before the Siliguri court as part of the ongoing investigation into the case. However, the actual cause of the man’s death is yet to be determined, pending the post-mortem report.