Studied by the light of a lantern, girl tops State Madrasah board Madhyamik exams 2020 in Rajganj block

Rajganj, 17th July: Ajima Khatoon student of Balbari Ekramia High Madrasah in Rajganj scored an impressive 634 marks out of 700 braving all odds in the State Madrasah board Madhyamik examinations 2020.

With both parents working as daily wagers, Ajima is no stranger to struggle. Struggling to make ends meet, the family could not even afford an electrical connection. Despite this, Ajima prepared for her board examinations studying by the light of a lantern and successfully clinched the first place on the entire Rajganj block’s merit list. She aims to become a professor in the future.

Madrasa Headmaster Prasenjit Sarkar stated that Ajima is a good student and that her school teachers helped her with the academics as she could not afford home tutors.

Ajima Khatoon has become the perfect example of the saying, “Where there’s a will there’s a way.”

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