Shocking robbery at a state-owned bank in Fulbari

Siliguri, 13th January: A robbery took place at a state-owned bank in Fulbari, near Siliguri, on Friday night. The incident was discovered when bank employees arrived on Monday to find the back gate of the bank broken and several items scattered inside the premises.

The bank had been closed on Saturday and Sunday, and upon opening on Monday, staff immediately reported the break-in to the NJP Police Station. Police arrived at the scene shortly after the report.

As stated by the bank management, no money was stolen from the bank, though four computers were reported missing. The bank manager claimed that the vault had not been tampered with. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.

In addition, an ATM is located on the ground floor of the building where the bank operates. The burglars entered through the broken rear gate of the building and made their way upstairs. CCTV footage from the bank has been retrieved, showing two masked individuals entering the premises at 11:18 PM on Friday night.

The NJP police are thoroughly investigating the case, and awaiting further details.

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