Locals protest by planting paddy seedlings on muddy road in Rajganj

Rajganj, 01st July: After several days of rain, village roads in Totaigach near Rajganj College are filled with water and mud, prompting villagers to protest by planting paddy (rice) seedlings on the road.


As per reports, the road in Totaigach village has been in poor condition for a long time. On Monday, frustrated villagers planted paddy seedlings on the flooded and muddy road, demanding immediate repairs. According to the protestors, the road’s construction had begun after a prolonged delay but was abruptly halted. The recent rain has exacerbated the situation, causing significant inconvenience for school and college students as well as local residents.


In response to the protest, Sukhani Gram Panchayat Pradhan Parimal Roy acknowledged the issue. He stated that while road work had started, the ongoing rain has hindered progress. He assured that efforts would be made to expedite the road repairs.

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