Jalpaiguri Sadar Panchayat Sabhapati extends support to aspiring footballer Anisha Munda

Jalpaiguri, 07th February: Anisha Munda, a young girl from Denguajhar Tea Estate in Jalpaiguri, dreams of becoming a successful footballer. However, her family’s financial condition has been a major obstacle in pursuing that dream.

In this challenging situation, the block administration has stepped forward to help. Jalpaiguri Sadar Panchayat Samiti Sabhapati Binoy Roy handed over books, bags, and sports equipment to Anisha.

Anisha, a standard 10 student, is determined to excel in both academics and football. Due to financial hardship, she was unable to buy textbooks for her class or afford proper sports gear. Practicing barefoot in the tea garden field was her only option so far. She needs boots, jerseys, and a football to participate in tournaments.

Her mother, Ranjita, had appealed for help to fulfill her daughter’s dream. Responding to the request, Sabhapati Binoy Roy extended his support. Anisha and her family were delighted to receive the much-needed books and sports equipment on Friday.

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