Siliguri, 02nd February: Police of Pradhan Nagar and Siliguri police station arrested a father-son duo who cheated people under the pretext of shining their jewellery. The arrest was made in Bihar’s Bhagalpur during the investigation of separate cases. The accused has been identified as Shambhu Shah. Both he and his minor son are residents of Bhagalpur in Bihar.
Addressing a press conference today, ADCP of Siliguri Metropolitan Police Shubhendra Kumar said that the police came across several cases where a gang of fraudsters was duping people by claiming to clean and bring shine to their ornaments. During the investigation, cops learned about the father-son duo who had cheated about four people in a month in Pradhan Nagar, Bhakti Nagar and Siliguri police station areas of the city.
The ADCP further maintained that Shambhu Shah and his minor son used to come to Siliguri from Bhagalpur on a bike and immediately abscond after carrying out their malicious act. After a rigorous search, the cops of Pradhan Nagar and Siliguri police stations arrested Shambhu and his minor son from Bhagalpur and brought them to Siliguri.
Since the son is a minor, he has been sent to the juvenile home by the court. The police are probing the matter by taking father Shambhu on remand. Police have also recovered a total of 90 grams of gold from his possession.