Debashish Pramanik appointed as the Dabgram-Fulbari Block President of Trinamool Congress

Rajganj, 18th January: Debashish Pramanik has been appointed as the Trinamool Congress (TMC) President for the Dabgram-Phulbari block.

According to reports, Debashish Pramanik previously served as the Block President for almost 8 years and has been reappointed. Apart from that, Gautam Goswami has been elected the Vice President of TMC, while Arindam Banerjee has been appointed as Rajganj Block President. It is to be noted that previously Arindam Banerjee was chaired Block President for the second time.

On Thursday, the Dabgram-Fulbari block leadership, regional leadership, labour organizations, and supporters greeted Block President Debashish Pramanik and Vice President Gautam Goswami with flowers and sweets. Sumit Dutt, the Pradhan of Majhiali Gram Panchayat, honoured Rajganj Block President Arindam Banerjee.

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