CITU stages demonstration demanding to bring the stranded laborers back to the state

Siliguri, 14th May: The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), on Thursday, staged a protest accusing the State government of ration corruption and also urged the administration to initiate the process of bringing the stranded laborers back to the state.

In this context, CITU leader Saman Pathak alleged that that the state government has not adopted any initiatives so far to help the people of West Bengal stranded across the country.

On the other hand, CPI(M) District Secretary Jibesh Sarkar stated that CITU has already submitted a deputation in the SDO office in this regard.

Mayor Ashok Bhattacharya expressed outrage over the fact that the central government has resumed laborer train services in various parts of the country except in North Bengal. He further maintained that he has also written to the Railway Minister seeking redressal in this regard.

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