Cambodian currency notes recovered from the street in Siliguri

Siliguri, 24th November: In recent developments, the cops of Panitanki Outpost, in collaboration with the traffic police, recovered foreign currency from the Bidhan Market.

According to reports, on Friday afternoon, a local alerted traffic police guard MD Khalilul Rahman regarding the presence of foreign currency notes near a tea shop adjacent to Hotel Dolin.

Subsequently, the traffic guard recovered the foreign currency and notified the matter to the cops of Panitanki Outpost. Upon receiving the news, Panitanki Outpost police arrived at the spot. Later, the notes were handed over to the police.

According to police sources, the recovered currency belongs to Cambodia, including 7 notes of 1000 denominations and 26 notes of denomination 50. The total value of the recovered notes amounts to 8,300 in Cambodian currency. Currently, the police are engaged in a detailed investigation of the entire matter.

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