Annual bird migration seen at the onset of winter in Fulbari’s Mahananda Barrage

Fulbari, 30th November: Annual bird migration can be observed at the Fulbari Mahananda Barrage at the onset of winter as varieties of birds can be observed at Mahananda River in Paschim Dhantala along the Fulbari Barrage adjacent to Siliguri.

According to locals, the Fulbari Mahananda barrage area is home to a variety of foreign birds that migrate there every winter. Similarly, the varieties of birds have already begun to migrate in the area. As of now, about five to six species of birds can be witnessed in the area. The birds flew all the way from Siberia, South Africa, Tibet, Mongolia, and other nations. The variety of migratory birds is a wonderful sight to observe as numerous people from various locations arrive to witness the birds.

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