WBCUPA stages protest at Siliguri College over Jadavpur University incident

Siliguri, 03rd March: In response to the Jadavpur University incident, various leftist organizations, including SFI and AIDSO, staged protests across the state on Monday. Meanwhile, the West Bengal College & University Professors’ Association (WBCUPA) Siliguri College Unit also organized a protest at Siliguri College.

On this day, professors and teachers gathered at the college to express their anger against the leftist organizations.

In this regard, WBCUPA District President Prabir Kumar Manna stated that protest meetings were being held in multiple colleges across the state.

He alleged that leftist students disrupted their organization’s conference at Jadavpur University and attacked the Education Minister. In protest, WBCUPA has organized meetings at various locations today.

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