‘The Night Is Ours’ organization holds protest march in Siliguri over R.G. Kar incident

Siliguri, 26th October: Members of the organization ‘The Night Is Ours’ took to the streets on Saturday, demanding swift punishment for the culprits involved in the R.G. Kar incident and urging a speedy investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The incident, which has been pending resolution for a considerable time, has left the victim still awaiting justice. In response, multiple organizations, including ‘The Night Is Ours,’ organized a protest march from Baghajatin Park in Siliguri to advocate for timely justice. Among the participants in the procession were key members of the organization, including Koel Roy and Dr. Sangeeta Jena.

Speaking on behalf of the organization, Koel Roy emphasized that the protest aims to highlight that the call for justice remains strong even during festive times. She added that the prolonged wait for justice can test people’s patience, underscoring that the fight for justice continues.

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