Siliguri, 11th May: In a significant breakthrough, the undercover cops of Bhakti Nagar Police Station in Siliguri apprehended Ajay Kurapati, a notorious thief who had been on Sikkim Police’s list of wanted criminals. The arrest took place today on Sevoke Road, Siliguri, marking the end of a relentless pursuit to bring the accused to justice for multiple theft cases across different states.
According to reports, on May 9, the accused, Ajay Kurapati, befriended an individual at a hotel in Gangtok. Exploiting an opportune moment, he absconded after stealing the victim’s wallet, identification documents, and ATM card. The matter was later reported to Sikkim Police, who initiated an investigation into the incident. During the course of their inquiry, Sikkim Police contacted Bhakti Nagar Police in Siliguri for assistance. Acting swiftly on the provided details, the undercover officers of Bhakti Nagar Police Station traced the accused through his mobile phone and successfully apprehended him.
During the arrest, the police recovered several incriminating items from Ajay Kurapati’s possession, including 10 pieces of gold plates, two mobile phones, multiple identification documents, and ATM cards. The recovered items are believed to be connected to his alleged involvement in various theft cases.
Bhakti Nagar Police stated that the accused, Ajay Kurapati, had a modus operandi that involved visiting different states and staying in luxurious hotels. While staying at these establishments, he would befriend fellow hotel guests and exploit the opportunity to commit theft before making a swift getaway. This morning, a team from the Sikkim Police arrived at Bhakti Nagar police station, where Ajay Kurapati was handed over to them.