Phansidewa, 04th December: A shocking incident unfolded late Friday night in Jhamkalal Jote of Jalas Nizamtara Gram Panchayat, Phansidewa, when a man allegedly set his house on fire following a quarrel with his wife. The wife, identified as Atima Khatun, managed to escape with her child, avoiding any harm.
According to reports, Noor Islam, who was reportedly intoxicated, returned home late that night, had a meal, and got into an argument with his wife. During the altercation, he allegedly assaulted her. Following this, Noor Islam set fire to the house and fled the scene while still under the influence of alcohol.
Seeing the fire, Atima Khatun escaped with her child and sought shelter at her father’s house. The incident created a sensation in the area, drawing concern and outrage from local residents.
Upon receiving information, police from Phansidewa police station rushed to the scene. Local residents and police worked to contain the blaze, and a fire engine from Matigara eventually managed to bring the fire under control.
The police have launched a search operation for Noor Islam, who remains absconding after the incident. Investigations into the case are ongoing.