Siliguri, 06th January: Siliguri Metropolitan Police has intensified its crackdown on the illegal trade of Chinese garlic. Acting on a tip-off, the Detective Department (DD) of Siliguri Metropolitan Police seized 7 quintals of Chinese garlic from a small cargo vehicle in the Chandmuni area on Sunday. The driver, identified as Rajiv Ranjan (36), has been arrested in connection with the case.
The arrested driver, Ranjan, a resident of Bihar, currently lives in Khai Khai Bazar, Ward No. 40, under Bhakti Nagar Police Station in Siliguri. The seized garlic is valued at approximately ₹2 lakh.
Reports suggest that the demand for Chinese garlic in Siliguri has surged recently, prompting some businessmen to engage in its illegal trade to earn higher profits at lower costs. The garlic is allegedly transported through Nepal to the regulated market in Siliguri and then distributed to other markets and households.
Chinese garlic has been flagged as potentially harmful to health. Members of the regulated market’s business association have previously raised concerns about its trade and demanded action.
Over the past three to four days, Pradhan Nagar Police Station and the DD team have recovered more than 15 quintals of Chinese garlic and arrested two individuals.
Police have confirmed that the campaign against unauthorized Chinese garlic trade will continue. Investigations into the matter are ongoing.