Siliguri, 05th August: Oximeters, which measure oxygen levels in the blood, have been available for home use for a long time, but sales have soared amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although a variety of oximeters are available in the markets, doubts regarding the effectiveness of the devices persist. Doctors recommend quality control in this regard. The government also has a specific ministry to control this standard and if done properly, counterfeit oximeters are much less likely to enter the market.
Dr Shankha Sen, a renowned doctor in Siliguri, stated that since it is not easy to create an oximeter all of a sudden, the chances of the availability of a fake oximeter is very low. However, he added that if the pulse rate shows an abnormal fluctuation in its value every time, then the device must have some issues. Also, batteries must be replaced at the right time, failing which the device will show frequent wrong values.
In this regard, Dr Partha Pratim Pan, in a telephonic conversation, explained the benefits to possess an oximeter at home during such an alarming situation. However, he also said that it is very important for the government ministry to have control over the oximeters of different companies that are available in the market. Precaution must be taken to ensure that fake devices do not spread easily in the market.
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