Siliguri, 20th July: A disgraceful incident has surfaced within the education community in Siliguri, where a teacher has been apprehended for running a sex racket. The accused, serving as the headmaster of a school located in Bagdogra, had been involved in heinous activities that led to the exploitation of young girls. Instead of fulfilling his responsibilities as an educator, he allegedly sent these vulnerable girls to various government officials and businessmen in Siliguri. Furthermore, he is accused of operating a sex racket under the guise of a spa.
The unravelling of this scandal started with the arrests made in connection with a sex racket operating at the Blue Mountain resort in Salbari. As investigations progressed, the name of Nima Lama repeatedly surfaced as a person of interest. Further probing by the Pradhan Nagar police revealed that Nima Lama was indeed the head teacher of a school in Bagdogra. Attempting to evade authorities, Nima Lama had been in hiding for several days, but the combined efforts of the Special Operations Group (SOG) and Pradhan Nagar police eventually led to his arrest.
Nima Lama was produced before the Siliguri court on Wednesday, and the police have secured his custody for seven days for further questioning. According to police sources, the accused facilitated the involvement of girls and women with various government officials in the city, and the sex racket operated at different residential locations. Nima Lama is believed to be the central figure behind this nefarious network of exploitation.