Apple, plum cultivation in Gajoldoba faces challenges; farmers fear poor yield

Gajoldoba, 11th January: Farmer Nepal Das from Takimari in Gajoldoba, has been cultivating apples and plums for the past seven years, alongside various vegetables. He grows apple plums on one bigha of land and has typically seen profitable earnings. However, this year, he is concerned about the low yield.

Several farmers in the Teesta riverbed area of Rajganj block, including Nepal Das, have been growing apples and plums for years. In this regard, Nepal Das stated that apples and plums are in high demand in the market and are being sold at good prices.

He added that he attained a decent profit from last year’s harvest. However, due to adverse weather conditions, the yield has been poor this year. Additionally, birds are eating the fruit, further damaging the crop. Despite investing around 30-40 thousand rupees in cultivation, farmer Nepal Das fears significant loss.

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