Allegations of water being dispensed as petrol at petrol pump in Siliguri’s Junction spark uproar

Siliguri, 28th July: Late last night, buyers raised serious allegations against a petrol pump in the Junction area, claiming that water was being dispensed instead of petrol in their vehicles. The incident caused a significant uproar, but after the petrol pump management assured compensation to the affected buyers, the situation calmed down.

It is worth noting that such accusations of providing insufficient petrol or even water instead of petrol have been raised against petrol pumps before. Last night, some buyers came forward with similar claims against the petrol pump located at Junction. According to the buyers, when they visited the said pump to purchase petrol, they were informed that only speed petrol was available, as regular petrol was not in stock. Reluctantly, they had their vehicles filled with speed petrol. However, after travelling a short distance, their vehicles came to a halt. After examination by a mechanic, it was discovered that their vehicles were filled with water instead of petrol.

In response to the agitated buyers, the petrol pump management explained that ethanol is now mixed with petrol, and even a tiny amount of water can cause the entire fuel to turn into water. Due to continuous rainfall in the past few days, this issue might have arisen. The management assured that compensation would be provided to those who had their vehicles filled at their pump and faced this problem.

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